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Externally Sponsored Research

Expanding our Research

At Alexion, we are dedicated to making a meaningful impact for people living with rare diseases; our goal is to transform their reality for the better.

We recognize the important role that Externally Sponsored Research (ESR) can play in complementing our company sponsored research to expand medical and scientific knowledge on rare diseases and our medicines.

What is Externally Sponsored Research?

ESR is defined as a study with scientific and medical merit that is initiated and managed by an external investigator (‘sponsor’).

The external sponsor assumes the legal and regulatory responsibility for the conduct and management of the research as defined by applicable local laws and regulations.

Two Options for ESR

Investigator Sponsored Research (ISR): an unsolicited research proposal from an external investigator, conducted independently of Alexion.

Externally Sponsored Collaborations (ESC): may either be solicited by Alexion or proposed by an external investigator. The investigator and Alexion can collaborate on the study design and interpretation of the results.

A Guide for Investigators

Please download this guide to review the requirements that must be met for Alexion to support any ESR proposal, the ESR submission process, and to highlight your obligations as the study sponsor.

Alexion Research Areas of Interest   

We welcome unsolicited research proposals from qualified investigators in our strategic research areas of interest for each of our therapeutic areas.  

How do I Submit an ESR Proposal?

ESR submissions are managed by Alexion directly in some countries, and by our parent company AstraZeneca in others. 

Please submit your proposal below if you are based in one of the following countries, or your proposal relates to selumetinib or neurofibromatosis:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

Submit ISR Proposal

Submit ESC Proposal

For all other countries, please submit your proposal at Astrazeneca ESR Submission.

Veeva ID: GL/ALL/0064