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Therapy Areas


Following the science to develop and evaluate potential innovative treatment options to help people living with rare cardiology conditions.

Innovating in Cardiology

We are following the science to develop and evaluate innovative treatment options to help address the unmet need of people living with rare cardiology conditions.

The survival and quality of life for people affected by these conditions are severely reduced and affected, respectively.1-3 Through internal innovations and external collaborations, we are exploring diverse and complementary modalities to address significant unmet medical needs.


Combining Our Strengths

Combining AstraZeneca's expertise in cardiology with our leadership in rare disease, we are positioned to lead and develop therapeutic and diagnostic advances to help address the spectrum of needs for people living with rare cardiology conditions.


  1. Nativi-Nicolau J. N, et al. Screening for ATTR amyloidosis in the clinic: overlapping disorders, misdiagnosis, and multiorgan awareness. Heart Fail Rev. 2022;27(3):785–793.
  2. Yamamoto H, et al. Transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis: an update on diagnosis and treatment. ESC Heart Fail. 2019;6(6):1128–1139.
  3. Luna-López R, et al. Pulmonary arterial hypertension. Med Clin (Barc). 2022; 158(12):622-629.

Veeva ID: GL/ALL/0035