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Research & Development

Rare Disease Research & Development

Where Science and Innovation Meet

Our expertise in rare disease R&D allows us to diversify our pipeline and portfolio to make an impact across disease areas with significant unmet need, using an array of innovative modalities.

With a diverse late-stage development portfolio and a robust pipeline spanning multiple therapeutic areas and modalities, we continue to do more and better for patients.

Reimagining R&D for Rare Disease

Science is complex and can be hard to translate into effective medicines. This is especially true in rare disease where many sources of information that would typically be available for more common diseases do not exist.

Developing transformative therapies for rare diseases means overcoming unique challenges and reimagining foundational elements of research and development.

  • Rare Disease Research: Many rare diseases are not well understood and there are few biomarkers and diagnostic tools available to guide the development of therapies.
  • Clinical Trial Design & Execution: The small, dispersed nature of rare disease populations make it difficult to gather the information needed to study them. As a result, established endpoints, or defined clinical measures, don’t exist.
  • Regulatory Pathways: Rare disease with few or zero treatment options may lack a clearly defined roadmap to regulatory approval.

Our R&D capabilities   

Our R&D philosophy listen, understand and respond to the communities we serve. We have proven what's possible in a variety of rare diseases and we continue to advance our science to help patients and families fully live their best lives. Rooted in deep rare disease subject matter expertise, our unique R&D capabilities and approach include:  

Designing Research Frameworks for Rare Diseases:

Designing research frameworks to ensure trials with small samples are both scientifically rigorous and clinically meaningful.

Shortening the Diagnostic Journey

Building systems to collect, interpret and test disease-specific data to improve and shorten the rare disease diagnostic journey.

Conducting Clinical Trials in Rare Diseases

Designing and implementing rare disease clinical trials, including recruitment and retention within small, dispersed patient populations.

Infusing Patient Centricity at Every Stage

Infusing patient insights into every stage of the R&D process to ensure trials and medicines represent patients unique needs.

Collaborating and Working Together

Leveraging long-standing relationships with academics, physicians and global health authorities to support development and approval of innovative medicines.

Establishing Regulatory Pathways

Establishing regulatory pathways for rare disease therapies through advanced use of real-world evidence, patient registries and natural history data.

Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases Understanding The Challenges

Clinical Trials for Rare Diseases Understanding The Challenges

Understanding the Challenges in Rare Disease Clinical Trials

Why is conducting clinical trials for rare diseases difficult? Because studying a rare disease poses unique challenges and requires thinking differently.

Overcoming the Challenges: Rare Disease R&D

Overcoming the challenges in Rare Disease R&D

Fearlessly pursuing today's most pressing rare diseases requires researchers to think differently about R&D (research and development).

Clinical Trials

Learn more about our clinical trials programs

Veeva ID: GL/ALL/0055