A Promise of Belonging

The mission of the Alexion Charitable Foundation is to bring promise, hope and belonging to people living with a rare disease and those who care for them.

The Alexion Charitable Foundation is part of Alexion’s charitable giving approach, which is designed to have the most positive impact possible. We do this through two main impact areas: the Alexion Charitable Foundation and Corporate Giving.

There are two programs through which we provide funding from the Alexion Charitable Foundation: Rare Belonging® and Local Needs grants.

Rare Belonging® is a unifying marquee for a suite of funding priorities designed to benefit people affected by one of the over 7,000 rare diseases identified on the Genetic Alliance Disease InfoSearch and Global Genes’ RARE list (Rare Disease). Through investments in strategic partnerships, Rare Belonging® seeks to address the most pressing needs of the Rare Disease Community, ensuring equitable pathways to care, services and resources so that patients, their families and caregivers can lead fulfilling lives.


Funding priorities include:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing: Improving the mental health and wellbeing of people living with rare conditions and their caregivers by tackling systemic hurdles to supports, services, and tools.
  • Barriers to Care: Strengthening the diagnostic journey and access to care by minimizing mobility, language, financial and knowledge barriers for people living with rare conditions.
  • Health Literacy: Empowering people living with rare conditions, their caregivers, and physicians through improved health literacy across the continuum of care.

The Alexion Charitable Foundation provides funding to third-party, disease-agnostic, nonprofit organizations that design and administer programs that align with the Rare Belonging® Guidelines and Criteria. To apply for a Rare Belonging® grant, first please carefully review the Rare Belonging® Guidelines and Criteria document, which will help your organization determine which Open Call cycle (March or September) best aligns your program or service with the Foundation funding priorities. At the appropriate time, organizations can complete and submit a Grant Application and a Project Budget worksheet (both are required). Email if you need assistance.


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Joe, diagnosed with PNH at 24 years old, training for mixed martial arts
If anything, living with PNH has made me appreciate my time even more, and given me more drive to get back to doing what I love to do.”